Cheer Videos can be viewed by visiting the Cheer Video tabs broken down by number.
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1. Stars and Stripes
2. Proud
3. Patriot Beat
4. Dynamite
5. Fans Get your Hands Up
6. G-O
7. Slappy G-O
8.Go Patriots
9. Keep That Spirit
10 Let’s Go Big Blue
11. Patriots Fans Are You Ready
12. S-O-U-T-H ( 5x)
13. T-D ( 5x)
14. Turn Up the Heat
15. Victory ( Patriot Battle Cry)
16. We are the Patriots (5x)
17. We love ‘em
18. YELL
19. 1-2-3 (2x)
20. Attack (2x)
21.. P what? ( Poms down)
22. Pump it up Patriots
23. Up up on your Feet
24. Come on Patriots, Beat Those ______
25. Keep it up , Woo!
26. Oh yes, We are the Best (2x)
27. Go Fight
28. Hey Hey Alright Alright (2x)
29. Sack That Quarterback
30. Defense get Tough Get Tough
31. Power to The Hour
32. F-I-G-H-T
33. Patriots You know we are the Best
34. Hey Hey Let’s Go Blue
35. Get in There, Get Tough
36. L-E-T-S G-O
37. Come on South Let’s Fight
38. When we say Parkway You Say South
39. Go Blue Fight White
40. P-A-T
41. Aggressive (2x)
42. Let’s Get A Little Bit Rowdy
43. S-P-I-R-I-T
44. A-T-T-A-C-K
1. Dribble it
2. Down The Floor
3. Shoot for 2
4. B-A-S -K-E-T
5. D-R-I
6. Rebound
8.Shoot 2
9. Sink It