CHEER TAKES PRIORITY Anyone who participates in another sport or activity that conflicts with Cheer agrees she must choose the cheer activity first. Missing practice or games due to schedule conflicts with other sports/activities is considered an unexcused absence.
School Plays, Concerts, 6th Grade Camp, School Field Trips or Illness.
If the absence is excused the cheerleader can still cheer sideline but cannot participate in half time since the formation and stunts were modified in her absence at practice. It is encouraged that she still attend the game to show their support for the team.
If she misses practice for any other reason, she cannot cheer at the next game. There can be exceptions, so missing for reasons other than those listed above should be addressed directly via email/TeamSnap with Parent Rep beforehand, and will be handled on a case by case basis.
Cheerleaders who are ineligible to cheer at a game because of being benched or an injury are encouraged to come to games to support their teammates. Injured or benched cheerleaders are still expected to attend all practices when possible in the appropriate uniform to keep up with changes.
Cheerleaders who miss learning new material at practices or camp are required to learn that new material as soon as possible. Videos are available under the video tab on our website. Team practice time will not be used to cover missed elements for individual cheerleaders. Cheerleaders must demonstrate that they have mastered the cheer or skill before they will be allowed to perform at games.
Friends of cheerleaders are NOT allowed to sit with or by any cheerleaders or in the cheerleader section/area during games as this can cause a distraction. Friends of cheerleaders are NOT allowed to wear any part of the Jr Patriot Cheer uniform (including the hoodie).
Cheerleaders are responsible for arranging their own transportation to camps, practices, and games. Parents are expected to attend all games if their daughter has any medical issues as we are only volunteers and there is no medical personnel at the games.
Basic cheerleading skills are taught beginning in the 6th grade and are intended to be the foundation for further skill building during the 7th and 8th grade seasons following specific safety guidelines. There will be no stunting during 6th grade. Stunting will only be introduced and performed in 7th and 8th grades AFTER all other skills are mastered by every squad member (i.e. cheers, jumps, motions, facials, etc.) and at the discretion of the Parent Repand coaches. Cheerleaders with prior cheer, gymnastics or tumbling experience may be allowed to use their skills at the discretion of the Parent reps and must be accompanied with a signed Tumbling Waiver on File from the parent giving permission to perform the specific skills outlined. This waiver is available for printing from the Contracts and Waivers Tab.
The Codes of Conduct (Parent & Cheerleader) are contracts which cover the expectations of the cheerleaders, parents, guardians and volunteers with the Jr. Patriots Cheer program. Since this is a developmental league, expectations will be higher than what is typically required in a recreational league. Failure to comply with the Code of Conduct may lead to discipline and/or possible termination of membership as deemed necessary by the Jr. Patriots Cheer program. Termination of membership does NOT relinquish financial obligation to the program/squad. All cheerleaders, parents, guardians and volunteers must agree to the rules and conditions set forth in the Code of Conducts as part of registration to the program. It is the responsibility of all cheerleaders, parents, guardians and volunteers to be familiar with the guidelines set forth in the Code of Conducts at all times. Specific code of conducts can be reviewed at any time during the season on our website under the WAIVERS & CONTRACTS Tab. Parent reps. and the Program Chairperson reserve the right to remove cheerleaders from the squad who are in violation of the rules, behavior expectations, the code of conduct and/or the social networking agreement.
Suspensions either in school ( ISS) or out of school need to be reported to Parent Reps within 24 hours and cheerleader will be ineligible to cheer for the duration of the suspension. Failure to self- report will result in missing one additional game beyond the length of suspension. Note: Depending on the nature of the suspension, cheerleader may be removed from the team. ( Ie: Bullying or Fighting) Once removed from the team they are ineligible to return to our program.
Our program defines bullying as, ”The activity of aggressive behavior intended to embarrass, belittle or hurt another individual, physically, mentally or emotionally.” Bullying, as defined above, will not be tolerated in person, over Facetime, chat, text, email or video in any form (directly or indirectly) and will be in direct violation of the Jr. Patriots Cheerleader Code of Conduct and will result in immediate removal from the team with no chance to return to our program.